Saturday, March 14, 2009

Phantom Dogs

A few posts back, I told you about donkey dogs, which are hot dogs made out of donkey meat. They're not too tasty, but they're common in the provinces of Peru.

Today I'm here to tell you about phantom dogs.

Last night I was in a restaurant in Lima (the restaurant shall remain nameless in order to protect the guilty). I ordered a hot dog to go. About 15 minutes later I was handed my order, already wrapped, boxed up, bagged, and ready to go. I paid for it and left the restaurant.

When I got home, I opened up the bag, opened up the box, unwrapped the butcher block paper ... and found an empty hot dog bun.

The restaurant had sent me just the bun. There was no hot dog anywhere!

I know things are tough with this worldwide financial crisis that we're all facing, but it's truly getting ridiculous when there are phantom dogs on the menu at the restaurants in Lima!

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