Thursday, June 4, 2009


Dorcas & I were back in Florida this week to pick up materials for the new series that we are starting in Lima called "The End: Is It Near?"

While in Florida, we stopped at a couple of malls & some other stores in order to pick up various items that are not available for us to purchase in Lima. The malls & other stores were all fairly crowded, but many mall workers & many store managers told us that most people were only looking, & very few people were actually buying anything. They fear a worsening of the global economic crisis, as more people, both in the USA & worldwide, lose their jobs & cut their personal spending. It's a crisis that feeds on itself. It also fits right in to "The End" series that we are starting in Lima, as people everywhere around the world anguish over the economic crisis, as well as the swine flu pandemic, the rise in terrorism, and the increase in natural disasters, among other things.

Back in the 1980s, the well-known theologian named Paul Hewson made a comment about money & finances & economics that we should all bear in mind as we confront this worldwide economic crisis & try to be as Christ-like as we can be in the midst of it.

Hewson said, "The God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister!"


It's very easy for us to worry & fret & anguish over money, or the lack of it, as this economic crisis swirls all around us. It's very easy for us to put more trust & faith in our bank statements than in God during these challenging times.

But the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister.

By the way, just in case you've never heard of the famous theologian, Paul Hewson, then perhaps you might know him by his other name.

He is Bono, the lead singer for an up-and-coming Irish band by the name of U2. Perhaps you've heard of them. I think they have a really bright future in the music business.

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