When Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, and toward the Promised Land, it was a trip that should have taken a mere 10 days.
Instead, it took the Israelites 40 years.
Sometimes life is like that for us, too.
Sometimes God leads us out of a bad situation, and directs us toward our own personal Promised Land, but sometimes we don't arrive there as quickly as we had hoped.
Sometimes we wander through deserts all along the way.
Don't ever think that time spent in the desert means that God has revoke your admission ticket to your own personal Promised Land.
Sometimes God uses our time in the desert to prune us, to improve us, and to teach us valuable lessons. Time in the desert never is fun, but God intends it to be beneficial.
Moses spent 40 years in the desert tending sheep for his father-in-law before God told him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and toward the Promised Land. Then Moses spent about another 40 years leading the grumbling Israelites all along the way. But God had used Moses' time in the desert to mold him and to prepare him as a leader. And then God used Moses in a mighty way.
It's the same for us.
Time in a desert is never fun. But God intends it for greater glory.
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