C. I. Scofield once was scheduled to speak at a small, country church in North Carolina on a Sunday evening. That Sunday had been a very stormy day, and when Scofield arrived at the small North Carolina church that evening, only a handful of people were there.
The church's young pastor was greatly embarrassed that only a few people had turned out to hear Scofield speak, and he apologized profusely to Scofield for the low number of people in the pews that evening.
"Don't worry," Scofield told the young pastor. "Jesus only had 12 followers, so who am I to ask for more?"
Scofield's humility was the exact opposite of what we see today in so many churches and among so many pastors.
So many pastors lust after big numbers today. This is sinful.
So many pastors want to fill up their churches, but with the wrong motive. Today, sadly, it frequently has become more about bragging rights than about transforming people into authentic, obedient, repentant, and submissive followers of Christ.
No pastor will ever admit to lusting after big numbers - it isn't the "pastoral" thing to do, of course - but most pastors are guilty of it. Many pastors will justify their desire for big numbers as merely wanting to reach the lost, but far too frequently the truth of the matter is that they really are seeking to build up their own, earthly kingdom instead of the kingdom of God.
Lusting after big numbers is based on the sin of pride. It is not based on authentic, Christ-like characteristics such as humility, meekness, and suffering.
God punished the Israelites harshly when David counted the people (2 Samuel 24). God was angry with David's motives, which probably were based on pride and self-glory. God also knows the true motives and the true hearts of all pastors who seek fame or fortune or celebrity from big numbers instead of being true shepherds of their flocks.
If you lust after big numbers, then play fantasy football instead of pastoring a church. God knows your heart, and He also knows your true, inner motives.
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