Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Back in the early '90s, U2 had a song called "Numb" on their Zooropa CD. My trusty old Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines "numb" as "devoid of sensation; devoid of emotion; indifferent."

Being numb can kill a ministry.

There are times in ministry when we will be exhausted, when we will hit a wall, when we will think about throwing in the towel, when we will start searching for other things to do, when we will start to go through the motions, when we will stop caring so much, when we will become apathetic, when we will lose our "first love" (Revelation 2:4), and when we will become devoid of sensation, devoid of emotion, and indifferent.

We become numb.

Numbness is the opposite of passion. Without a passion for your ministry, you'll never succeed.

If you feel yourself becoming numb these days as you minister around the globe, then you need to examine your life and your heart. What is leading to this numbness? Enemy attacks? Financial stresses? Relationship pressures? Culture shocks? You need to determine the cause of the numbness, and then decide how to alleviate it. Maybe you need to rest more. Maybe you need to delegate more. Maybe you need to pray more. Maybe you need to worry less. Ask God to show you how to get rid of the numbness, and He will do so.

Get back the sensation, the emotion, and your first love. Lose the numbness. Regain the passion you once had.

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