Friday, May 22, 2009

The Weakening Dollar

The economic crisis which began in the USA, and which now is worldwide, has caused the US Dollar to decline in value.

Has the weakened US Dollar affected your church or ministry?

It has for us here in Peru.

We pay some of our church bills & accounts in Peruvian currency (known as the Peruvian Sol), while others we pay in US Dollars. As the value of the US Dollar has declined, however, more & more of our vendors have requested that we pay them in Peruvian Soles instead of in US Dollars. This, of course, means that the price of doing church here in Lima has risen for us as the US Dollar has declined.

When the US Dollar is strong & healthy, everyone wants to receive it.

When the US Dollar is weakening & in decline, as it is now, nobody wants it.

How has this affected your church or ministry? If it has not yet had any affect, it probably will at some point in the near future. Many economic analysts predict that higher inflation is coming soon to the USA, which of course will only serve to devalue the US Dollar even more. Given the role of the US Dollar, at least at the moment, as the prime currency of choice worldwide, a further devalued US Dollar will affect much day-to-day business & ministry, no matter where you are in the world.

I don't know what the currency of heaven is, but I doubt that God is panicking & running to the Bank of Heaven today to change His US Dollars into Euros.

You & I, however, as stewards of His money here on Earth, need to be cognizant of how a continually weakening US Dollar may affect our churches & ministries & plans & projects, & what we need to do about it.

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