Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Multi-Site Church Road Trip

There's another great book out that I want to recommend to you, especially if you're involved with church plants or multi-site church campuses on a national or an international level.

The new book - hot off the presses this month - is called "A Multi-Site Church Road Trip." It's written by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird.

The book details how "the multi-site church movement is changing the shape of the church" and how this "has become the 'new normal' for growing churches." The multi-site churches described in the book "are broadening their options for evangelism, service, and outreach - while making better use of their ministry funds."

The book also has a whole chapter entitled "Going Global" which details how it is now possible "for a church to have a campus in another country thousands of miles away, and many churches are developing a stronger level of missionary partnership in the process."

Warren Bird interviewed me for the "Going Global" chapter in the book, so there's lots of information about our FRC multi-site church campus here in Lima, Peru, and how we make it all work despite being thousands of miles away from the USA.

If you have gone multi-site, or if you are thinking about doing so, then this book is a must-read.

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