Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Crisis = Danger + Opportunity

There is a crisis in the USA right now. An economiccrisis. It has hit the nation very hard, with nearly 10% unemployment all across the country. People have lost their homes, their jobs, their savings accounts, and their retirement funds. Here in Orlando, Florida, there are boarded-up restaurants, car dealerships, and storefronts everywhere we go. Sometimes we see an entire plaza or strip mall all boarded up, with nothing but weeds growing in the abandoned parking lots.

There is a crisis in the USA.

But according to the Chinese, crisis = danger + opportunity.

That's right. In one of the two main Chinese languages, the word "crisis" is formed by using two characters: one character for the word "danger" and a second character for the word "opportunity."

Crisis = danger + opportunity.

It's true here in Orlando, Florida, USA, and it's true wherever in the world that you are doing church or ministry.

Don't look at just the danger that is inherent to whatever crisis you are going through right now. Look for the perhaps-hidden opportunity that is there as well.

Then step up and seize it!

Read more at www.twitter.com/StephenGuschov

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