Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Facing The Giants

There are times in life when the enemy just pounds away at you. A left upper-cut. A right hook. A quick knee to the groin. Sometimes life and ministry can be like an ultimate fighting match, and you've got the scars to prove it.

As a result, there also are times when all you want to do is throw the towel into the ring.

It's at times like these when it's good to go back and watch the movie, "Facing The Giants", and especially the famous "death crawl" scene, when one underachieving high school football player carries a teammate on his back, while blindfolded, the entire length of the field.

The underachieving player, since he is blindfolded the whole time, has no idea how far he is going up the field. All he knows is that he is dog-tired and can't go much further. But the entire time that he is crawling up the field on his hands and feet, with a 140-pound teammate on his back, the coach keeps exhorting him to go just a little bit more.

"Keep driving!" the coach tells him. "Don't quit! Give everything you've got! Give your very best! Keep going! Don't stop! Even when it hurts! Even when it burns!"

The player finally collapses in sheer and utter exhaustion.

In the end zone.

This scene from "Facing The Giants" is a classic, and it also serves as great motivation during those times and seasons in life and ministry when we are totally exhausted, overwhelmed, discouraged, worried, and feeling like we've been totally smacked down by the enemy.

God is exhorting you today: "Keep driving! Don't quit! Give everything you've got! Give your very best! Keep going! Don't stop! Even when it hurts! Even when it burns!"

God is exhorting you in this way today.

Because He knows how close you are to the end zone.


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