Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cowboy Philosophy

The Dallas Cowboys' legendary quarterback, Roger Staubach, once said, "Spectacular achievements come from unspectacular preparation."

Roger Staubach would know. His Hall of Fame career and the Cowboys' Super Bowl championships under his leadership would begin, season after season, in the oven-hot days of July at pre-season practice, lifting weights, performing repetitive drills, and running plays under the broiling sun with few spectators around. All very unspectatcular to watch at pre-season practice in July - but all very spectacular to watch at the Super Bowl six months later.

Ministry and football have a few things in common, not the least of which is that Sunday is "game day" in both professions. As well, in both ministry and football, it is the unspectacular preparation that leads to spectacular achievements, be it in the pulpit or on the football field.

Don't avoid your unspectacular preparation in your church or ministry. It may be boring and it may be tedious, and maybe no one else realizes how hard it is to do, day after day and week after week, but in the end it will all be very well worth it when you see the spectacular achievements that result from it.

Being unspectacular today will lead you to be spectacular tomorrow.


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