Friday, September 12, 2008


As I have mentioned before, Flamingo Road Church in Lima is located in a cinema. There is a film festival this weekend at the cinema complex. Do you know what that means for us this Sunday? It means that we won't be able to have any lobby presence or children's ministry presence in the cinema! Yes, that is what the cinema management told us this week.

Ah, the joys of doing church in a cinema. These film festivals occur once or twice a year, and it always means a reduced presence for us on that Sunday in the cinema, but it also has taught a great lesson to us here at FRC-Lima: that we always must be able to adapt to our circumstances.

Adaptability is one of the greatest strengths that you can have in international ministry. Adaptability is one of the strongest muscles to build in international ministry. You have to assume, prepare for, and be ready for curveballs and knuckleballs being hurled at you as you step up to the plate, along with fastballs that whiz right under your chin and knock you on your seat. That's international ministry. That's what we face this Sunday. But these challenges have forced us here at FRC-Lima to build up our adaptability muscle, and so we're adjusting our helmet and stepping back in to the batter's box.

We have a plan for this Sunday, even given the limitations imposed on us due to the film festival. Next week I'll tell you what we've planned to do, and how it all goes.

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