Monday, September 1, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

If you're reading this blog in the USA today, then you're probably at a cook-out or barbecue somewhere, enjoying the Labor Day holiday. In Peru and in the rest of the world, though, it's just another manic Monday.

While the USA celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday in September, Peru and the rest of the world celebrate it on May 1, when it is commonly referred to as Worker's Day. That means that today is just another working Monday here in Lima, with the streets clogged with environmentally-challenged buses, taxis, and short-fused motorists.

Enjoy your labor-free Labor Day, USA!

1 comment:

Caleb Santos said...

Me acabo de enterar que el dia del trabajo en USA es hoy... es un poco tarde para sumarme al festejo, bueno excusa para comerse una pizza!! y ver algunas peliculas en DVD