Monday, September 29, 2008

Boxed In

Over the weekend the cinema management decided to install new seats (faux leather style) in the cinemas where we have our FRC-Lima worship service and pre-school and children's ministry. We spoke with the cinema management early on Saturday afternoon, and we were told that the workers would be installing the new seats all through the night and - have no fear! - the job would be completed and cleaned up by 5:00 AM on Sunday moring, 2 hours before we show up at 7:00 AM to start setting up for our first service at 9:00 AM.

Ahh ... the best laid plans of Peruvian mice and men ....

We arrived at the cinema at 7:00 AM sharp on Sunday morning, and went up to Cinema 6 on the 4th floor, where we have our worship service. When we arrived there, it looked like an earthquake had hit. There were open boxes, closed boxes, cut-up boxes (all the size of refrigerator boxes), dust, dirt, debris, empty Coca-Cola cups, empty 2-liter water bottles, and empty popcorn boxes all over the stage area and all in and among the 18 rows of seats in the cinema. We also found about a half-dozen "workers" there - and I use the term "workers" very lightly - all of whom were either sleeping or puffing on cigarettes. They had only completed 5 of the 18 rows in the cinema. I think they spent the night in the cinema having a slumber party or watching continuous loops of "Pineapple Express" in Spanish.

I was not amused.

I must admit to having a Jesus-turning-over-the-tables-in-the-temple moment in the cinema. No doves or sheep were scattered, although a few kernels of stale popcorn were.

The workers suddenly sprung to action and began to clean up their mess. They left us with barely enough time for additional clean-up and set-up and a final music and schedule run-through, but we got it all done just seconds before we had to open the doors to greet the crowds for the 9:00 AM service.

This is not the first time that we have had Sunday-morning-chaos in the movie theater. It won't be the last. And I say that while also adding that we have a very good relationship with the cinema management.

But the lesson to be learned and re-learned from Sunday morning's free-for-all is that you always have to expect the unexpected. We had been promised by two different members of cinema management that everything would be fine and dandy by 5:00 AM on Sunday, but ....

The enemy will do his best to throw you off of your A-game by hurling similar wrenches at you as you prepare for your Sunday morning service or other ministry project or outreach. Expect it. Work around it. Be flexible. Always have a Plan B, and even a Plan C or Plan D if necessary. Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water ... or into the cinema ... that's when the enemy's sharks will start circling.

As I've said before, flexibility and adaptability, plus an ability to work at a rapid pace when necessary, are keys to success in international ministry. It will make you or break you, depending on whether or not you have it. If you have it - good. Keep building up that muscle. If you don't have it - then learn it and get it ASAP. You don't ever want to find yourself "boxed in" as we almost were early on Sunday morning at the cinema.

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