Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Walk The Line

Peruvians love to cut in line.

In Boston, Massachusetts, where I grew up, this was a crime punishable by death.

If we are in line at the bank, or the post office, or the supermarket, here in Lima, it is nothing at all to have various persons walk right by us and try to transact their business as if we were never there. Barely anyone else in line even bothers to protest, as if line-cutting was just something you have to put up with in Lima on a daily basis. If we were in New York City, though, the line would quickly turn into an unruly mob if somebody tried to cut in. The line-cutter would never stand a chance.

The other thing that people like to do in Lima, when they're not cutting in line, is to demand to be attended by the same person who is attending us - at the same time! For instance, if we're in line at the supermarket checkout counter, it's common for someone to rush up w/ an item or two, plunk down some money, & demand to be attended, even as we are standing there. They don't want to wait for us to finish. Or, if we're at the bank, someone will ask the bank teller to make change or to get deposit or withdrawal forms - while the teller is already serving us! This happens on a daily basis. It drives foreigners crazy. Peruvians just shrug their shoulders.

I remember the frontier-style justice that existed in Boston anytime anyone tried to cut a line. I fear for any Peruvians who live there & try it. They are taking their lives in their hands!

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