Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Differences

The US presidential election is now history, after a campaign that lasted about 2 years. Some political pundits are already saying that the 2012 presidential race now has begun!

This is a big difference between the US and Peru. In the US, the presidential race now endures for 2 years and costs over $1,000,000,000. In Peru, a presidential campaign lasts just 6 months, and only costs around $1,000,000. The last presidential campaign in Peru was in 2006. Candidates first started running and Peruvians first started paying attention to the race in January 2006, then there was a first-round election (almost like the US presidential primaries) in April 2006, and then the final general election in June 2006. 6 months from start to finish. That's it.

Peruvians are always amazed at the length of the US presidential campaign, particularly in comparison to the short Peruvian election season, so it makes a great topic of conversation to respectfully compare and contrast the positives and negatives of the two systems. It also has opened doors for our ministry here in Peru.

Many Christians around the world are concerned about the separation of church and state, and also are concerned about the role of Christians in an election, and whether or not one should publically support a candidate or a party. These are all very legitimate concerns. This does not mean, however, that you must avoid any and all political conversation. General discussions about the pulse of a race or about comparative election systems tends to be a great ice-breaker around the world. Take advantage of this great political opportunity to make inroads with your international ministry, wherever you are.

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