Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Cards, Big Promo

Last Sunday at Flamingo Road Church in Lima, a man came up to me and showed me a dog-eared business-card-size promotional card that we had used for a teaching series about 18 months ago.

"Hey," the man said to me, "do you remember when you gave me this card?"

I had to confess to him that I didn't remember the exact circumstances - it was 18 months ago, plus we give out promo cards like candy here - but I also told him that I was glad that he finally was visiting us.

"I had this in my wallet all this time," he continued. "I had forgotten about it, but then I saw it again in my wallet, so here I am!"

Something as small as a business-card-size promotional card for your church or international ministry can pay off in huge dividends. People are ridiculously over-busy these days, and their minds are focused on a million different things, so you need to put something directly in their hands so that they will remember you or your church or your ministry. Don't just give them your personal business card. That's great to give out, but they really need a similar-size card, business card-size, that promotes your church or ministry, gives all the relevant information (names, addresses, service times, websites, contact info, etc.), and is sufficiently small enough for them to stick in a wallet or purse. They eventually will dig it out again - although hopefully in less than 18 months! - and eventually curiosity will get the best of them and they'll check out you or your ministry.

Head out to your local print shop, print up a ton of colorful, creative, and contemporary promo cards, and then start passing 'em out like candy! Flood your city with 'em! Then watch how they lead to more contacts, impact, and interest in your church or ministry.

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