Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here at Flamingo Road Church in Lima, Peru, we are doing international ministry in a Third World country where English is not the native tongue.

That has been a great thing for us.

When we started this church about 3 years ago, before we were even an offical multi-site campus of FRC, we felt the Holy Spirit telling us to start our new church in English. I couldn't understand the Holy Spirit's urging at all, yet I kept hearing it, day after day. I kept thinking, "But we're in Peru now, not the USA! We should do our new church in Spanish, not English!"

We were obedient to the Holy Spirit's nudge, though, and it has made all the difference. One thing we quickly learned when we started our new church was that there were a lot of Peruvians who were learning English for professional and career reasons, and our English-language church was a great way to reach many of them. And so we have.

If you are doing international ministry in a country where English is not the native language, then that may be a huge benefit for you. English is the international language of business today, and people around the world, in every country, are learning to speak English for professional purposes. Use English to reach these people! About half of the members of Flamingo Road Church in Lima are Peruvians, and many of them are young people who are learning English, and so every Sunday morning they receive a double blessing: they get to practice their English at FRC-Lima, and they also get to hear God's word taught in a contemporary and impactful manner.

Use English to reach others, particularly if you are doing ministry in a non-English-speaking country. There is a huge market there that you have the potential to reach and impact!

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