Monday, June 21, 2010

God Of The Last Moment

Sometimes God is the God of the last moment.

He was with Abraham and Isaac, when He let Abraham build an altar on Mount Moriah, arrange wood on it, bind Isaac to it, and raise a knife in his hand to sacrifice Isaac, all before God arranged for an angel to stop Abraham and to offer a ram as a sacrifice instead of Isaac.

He did it with Moses and the Israelites, when He let them reach the shores of the Red Sea, with Pharaoh's horses and chariots and horsemen in hot pursuit behind them, before He miraculously parted the Red Sea waters, allowing Moses and the Israelites to escape, and Pharaoh's horsemen and horses to drown.

He did it through Jesus with Lazarus, when He allowed Lazarus to die, and to be dead for four days, before Jesus miraculously raised him from the dead.

Sometimes He does it with us, too.

Sometimes God allows us to reach a crisis point in our lives or our churches or our ministries, when we are facing a deadline or decision and all we see is the clock running down and time running short. Sometimes we feel boxed in and trapped, with nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide, and with time and options seemingly both running out.

But God is still there. The clock never reads "00:00" for God. Just when you think that you are out of time, money, and options, God steps in and saves the day, and many times in a way, or by using certain people, that we never would have imagined. Sometimes He does this, I believe, to remind us of the fact that He is God, omnipotent and omnipresent. Sometimes we forget that, no matter who we are or what we do.

Sometimes God is the God of the last moment.

But sometimes the last moment is His perfect timing.

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