Tuesday, June 29, 2010

God's Investment Portfolio

The Dow Jones Industrial Average in the USA keeps falling. Unemployment keeps rising. It is very difficult to find work. The Euro keeps falling, too, and several European economies are basket cases. The price of gold and silver keeps rising as people invest in precious metals as a hedge against worldwide economic uncertainty.

All across the globe, people are fretting and worrying and stressing about falling markets and deteriorating economies. Factories, stores, and banks are closing. Investment portfolios, savings accounts, and retirement funds are thinning. People everywhere are very nervous.

But God is not.

God's investment portfolio is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He isn't rocked when He picks up the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times or the Times of London (or whatever newspaper He has on His iPad in heaven) and reads what's going on. God's not shocked by the global economic turndown, and He isn't going online to cash in His remaining shares.

God is the owner of "every animal in the forest" (Psalm 50:10) and "the cattle on a thousand hills" (Psalm 50:10), and He also declares that all "the silver is mine and the gold is mine" (Haggai 2:8).

God's not worried about the current global economic turndown.

And if He's not worrying about it, neither should you.


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