Saturday, June 5, 2010

World Cup

Pastors and ministry leaders: how are you leveraging the World Cup to evangelize to others?

Are you even leveraging the World Cup at all?

The World Cup is arguably the biggest sporting event in the world. The World Cup is held every four years and is watched by billions - yes, that's "billions" with a "b" - of people around the world. When a country's national team is playing in a World Cup match, the streets of that nation are empty. Everyone, from the president to a street sweeper, is watching the match. Even here in Peru, which didn't qualify for the World Cup, everyone watches the World Cup.

We have sponsored view parties and youth soccer tournaments as a way to leverage the World Cup in an evangelistic manner. All events were very successful and well attended. Several hundred youth participated in the soccer tournament.

You need to do something, no matter where you are in the world, to leverage the World Cup for evangelistic purposes. This includes the USA. Don't lose this opportunity in the USA by thinking that soccer is less popular than other sports. You have a big opportunity here for evangelistic leverage. Take advantage of it.

In Acts 17:28, Paul talked about his opportunity to use the words of Greek poets to evangelize the citizens of Athens. Today you have the opportunity to use the athletic feats of some of the world's greatest athletes to evangelize your corner of the world.

To quote our athletic friends at Nike, "Just do it!"

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